About Our Co-Host: Harbor House
Harbor House is proud to join us as a co-host for the 2025 Global Intergenerational Conference in Louisville, KY. Together, we celebrate a shared commitment to fostering meaningful connections across generations and empowering communities.
Mission Statement:
We are an intergenerational community that empowers individuals of all ages, abilities, and aspirations by providing opportunities through innovative vocational, health, and educational services. Our mission is to weave a tapestry of love, hope, and empowerment by embracing life together.
About Us:
At Harbor House, our vision for the future is formed by the needs and dreams of the participants and families we serve. The founding parents of Harbor House envisioned an organization that would provide their sons and daughters with challenging, enjoyable, and productive work. In the same way, the current Harbor House leadership seeks to provide a growing array of support and services that will ensure participants have appropriate opportunities for self-fulfillment while making a meaningful contribution to society.
In implementing our mission through employment, self-determination, education, and community-building opportunities, we are continuously leveraging limited resources in new and creative ways while staying at the forefront of positive trends.
To learn more about Harbor House and their inspiring work, visit their website at hhlou.org.